Techniques for Business Decisions
3:use the techniques to analyse data, describe underlying patterns and relationships and propose hypotheses

3. use the techniques to analyse data, describe underlying patterns and relationships and propose hypotheses
Study the material in the Descriptive Statistics file (supplemented if necessary by the EZESTATS document)and then perform the exercise suggested
- Descriptive Statistics
- EZESTATS tutorial
- Hypothesis Testing
APEL task [max 400 words]
Use the dataset in Stats exercise and then describe the patterns [e.g. sex differences, yearly differences] you discern in the data. Describe how you would formulate a hypothesis that you would test using a statistical package - you do not need to perform the test itself.
  • For the concept of hypothesis testing, see the material in the EZESTATS file or utilise the link above]
  • [You may substitute similar data from your own place of work if you like]

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