Report on student progress: Academic year 2003-2004
This is a composite report on the progress of the students enrolled upon the Certificate in Public Services Information Management at University College, Winchester (previously known as King Alfred’s College). The report is written so that the progress of the whole group of students can be indicated and hence individuals are not identified. The median mark is given rather than an average as the median mark reflects the ‘middle’ position once the marks have been arranged in ascending order and gives a value less likely to be affected by extreme values. The Module Descriptions have been extracted from the Module Description Sheets written as part of the validation process are provided here as they give a more accurate representation of the module contents than is suggested by the module title alone.
The results repeated the pattern of previous years in that all students performed particularly well in the modules studied, outperforming younger students where students shared classes with other courses (comparisons are provided for the three modules where this occurred). The median marks for first year students were particularly gratifying in that the lowest median mark across the four modules studied was 61%, which was a remarkably good performance for students typically approaching higher education for the first time. It is anticipated that these students will move as a group (after some additional APEL procedures) directly onto Year 2 of the newly validation Foundation Degree in Public Services Information Management – and should qualify for the enhanced award in June, 2005. The two second year students (taught with other students for half of their modules) were equally commendable (in the range 64-72) and together with modules studied in academic year 2002-2003 have earned both of these students a Distinction in their studies.
The students who graduated with a Certificate last year successfully applied at the start of the academic year for an APEL package which accelerated their progress through the BA(Hons)Business Management with Public Service Management They have completed five additional modules in this academic year and the average of these marks is commendably high in the mid-60s range. This cohort of students are now well on course to complete an Honours Degree in June, 2005 after they have studied four final Third Level modules and submitted a Final Year Project upon a topic of their own choosing.
The following list is divided into years. One module (Public Services Information Management) is included in both the First and the Second Year lists, although the module is only studied once (but in a different sequence) by the two cohorts of students.
A summary table of all students upon all years is provided below.
Course |
Median Mark |
First Year |
BS1035 Public Services Information Management |
64.0 |
BS1904 Computer Applications for Business |
64.5 |
BS1032 Public Administration in Britain |
61.0 |
BS1036 Quality Management in the Public Sector |
63.0 |
Second Year |
BS1033 Local Government: Continuity and Change |
64.0 |
BS1035 Public Services Information Management |
64.0 |
BS1037 Research Methods and Statistics in the Public Sector |
66.5 |
BS1905 Consumer and Organization Behaviour |
72.5 |
Third Year |
66.0 |
60.0 |
65.0 |
BS3914 Public Service Delivery |
65.0 |
BS3916 Thinking About Management |
67.0 |
12 July, 2004
Comment by Eric Bodger, Head of Business Management Group, University College, Winchester
Professor Hart’s comments are borne out by all who have taught on this programme. I have found the PSIM group among the most able and highly motivated students in my Computing modules, and have had similarly positive comments from other members of the team.
The need to confine teaching to a fairly short period on a single day has proved rather difficult to fit into tutors’ timetables, and militates against teaching PSIM students alongside others. This is a shame, because comparison with school-leaver students would do much to reassure the PSIM cohort that they are performing well, and help to motivate the younger students.
For PSIM students progressing on to the honours degree, it would be most helpful if the employer could provide sufficient flexibility for them to join the rest of the degree cohort in offerings of the modules they are taking. Group sizes have always been sufficient for certificate students, and are expected to be nearly ideal for the foundation degree; however, I am anxious to ensure that this situation continues for students moving on to the honours degree, as the learning experience can be compromised if the group size is too small.
We now live in an information age in which the typical ‘worker’ is likely to be the professional worker and the typical ‘product’ the information that he/she processes. This module indicates the ways in which information is conceptualised before exploring the importance of information strategies at an organisational level. The module then explores the ways in which a Management Information System is constructed with particular reference to public sector examples. The module examines in depth the progress being made both at international, central government and local authority level to make services available to the citizen electronically with case studies indicating the benefits to be gained and the typical problems encountered in such programmes.
BS1035 Public Administration in Britain (10 students) |
Essay Median |
Critique |
Report |
Mark: |
Mark: |
62 |
62 |
64.5 |
65 |
56-71 |
64 |
This module conveys a basic understanding of computer hardware and software (including the principle of operating systems) in order to enhance an understanding of the main type of computer based business decision support-support and communication packages e.g.
A word-processor package allows reports to be written and information presented in a variety of formats.
A spreadsheet allows data to be manipulated and presented as tables or graphically.
A database to allow for large amounts of data to be stored systematically and be easily retrieved.
An Internet browser and how to develop data for display on the internet.
BS1904 Computer Applications for Business (8 students) |
Assignment: |
Assignment: |
Examination: |
Examination: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
52-70 |
64.5 |
50-93 |
67 |
56-73 |
64.5 |
The module introduces students to the variety, complexity and lines of accountability to be found in the public sector in Britain. The impact of the ‘New Public Management’ will be examined in some detail, insofar as it helps to explain the new organisational and institutional arrangements associated with the creation of agencies and the drive for economy and efficiency in public service delivery. At the same time, students will learn to appreciate how models of management derived from the private sector have been introduced into the public sector, transforming administration into management and, in turn, redefining traditional concerns in public administration such as ministerial accountability and the role of Audit.
BS1032 Public Administration in Britain (7 students) |
Assignment: |
Assignment: |
Examination: |
Examination: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
40-66 |
62 |
56-73 |
63 |
56-70 |
61 |
The course will examine the problems associated with the definition and the measurement of quality. Various approaches to quality will be evaluated including the implications for the implementation of a quality improvement programme. Customer Care will be examined in some detail, both at the conceptual level and at the level of the formulation and evaluation of Customer Care policies in a local authority setting. Students will be encouraged to reflect upon their experiences as a service user and service provider. The course will examine the measurement problems implicit in programmes of Customer Care and will examine quantitative and qualitative approaches to quality measurement. The course will examine the growing European literature upon quality processes and make an assessment of the cross-cultural approaches to quality improvement philosophies.
BS1036 Quality Management in the Public Sector (7 students) |
Assignment: |
Assignment: |
Examination: |
Examination: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
57-65 |
65 |
58-72 |
61 |
58-69 |
63 |
Comparison- Non-Certificate in Public Services Info. Management students: 60.5
This module details the changing face of local government and the debates over its financing and reform. Students will learn the ways in which local services are managed, delivered and made accountable to local populations. The unit will explore the differences between national services locally delivered and those services provided, or organised, by local authorities themselves. Case studies will be made of local service provision e.g. in social services and education.
BS1032 Local Government in Britain (2 students, 1 continuing education student) |
Assignment: |
Assignment: |
Examination: |
Examination: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
61-72 |
66 |
63-63 |
63 |
62-65 |
64 |
We now live in an information age in which the typical ‘worker’ is likely to be the professional worker and the typical ‘product’ the information that he/she processes. This module indicates the ways in which information is conceptualised before exploring the importance of information strategies at an organisational level. The module then explores the ways in which a Management Information System is constructed with particular reference to public sector examples. The module examines in depth the progress being made both at international, central government and local authority level to make services available to the citizen electronically with case studies indicating the benefits to be gained and the typical problems encountered in such programmes.
BS1035 Public Services Information Management (7 students) |
Essay Median |
Critique |
Report |
Mark: |
Mark: |
62 |
62 |
64.5 |
65 |
56-71 |
64 |
This module gives you the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding required to execute your own small-scale research successfully. You will look at sources of data both primary and secondary. The various methods of obtaining primary data are discussed and methods of sampling explored. A range of tools for interpreting and manipulating quantitative and qualitative data is provided.
BS1037 Research Methods and Statistics in the Public Sector (2 students) |
Project : Range 66-67
Project: Median 66.5 |
Mark: |
Mark: |
66-67 |
66.5 |
This module focuses on ‘people’ aspects of business and organisation. It considers the key concepts of human behaviour from two perspectives i.e. people in organisations and people as consumers.
BS1905 Consumer and Organization Behaviour (2 students) |
Assignment: |
Assignment: |
Examination: |
Examination: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
75-75 |
75 |
65-74 |
69.5 |
70-75 |
72.5 |
Comparison- Non-Certificate in Public Services Info. Management students: 57
BS2902 Accounting
This module combines some of the most important accounting concepts and decision making models of the two semester management accounting and financial accounting modules recommended for students majoring in business management. It is a basic review of the value and purpose of accounting for non-accountants. Accounting simply means explaining, and this is what is explained in this abbreviated module – how business managers use accounting information- both qualitative (words) and quantitative (numbers) to help them manage. Managers must know where they have come from, where they are now and what is likely to happen. Both the short and longer strategic run must be considered in order to provide the most effective and efficient leadership. This is not easy. All managers face the unknown future together. In this regard, the main purpose of this module is to learn some basic accounting theory and practice to enable managers to assess financial strength and predict success.
BS2902 Accounting (7 students) |
Assignment: |
Assignment: |
Examination: |
Examination: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
56-72 |
64 |
62-74 |
64 |
60-72 |
66 |
BS2908 Employee Resourcing and Development
This module is aimed at providing students with a critical understanding of the framework and concepts that underpin a professional and ethical approach to the employment and development of people. Included in the module will be an exploration of the policies and practices applied in the recruitment, selection, socialisation and development of employees in order to enhance the performance of the employing organisation
BS2908 Employee Resourcing and Development (7 students) |
Assignment: |
Assignment: |
Examination: |
Examination: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
55-67 |
60 |
45-75 |
56 |
52-70 |
60 |
BS2913w Qualitative Research Methods
This is a Work-Based Learning (WBL) module. This module introduces students to the theory and practice of qualitative research. It enables them to develop qualitative research skills (e.g. conducting a focus-group or carrying out contents analysis) particularly important in fields such as marketing and organizational research. The theoretical/conceptual dimension of the module helps students better understand issues such as research ethics and the use of research for business and management purposes. Complementing the module on quantitative research, this module also prepares students for their final year projects.
BS2913w Qualitative Research Methods [Work-Based Learning] (7 students) |
PDP: |
PDP: |
Report: |
Report: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
57-75 |
64 |
60-67 |
63 |
60-71 |
65 |
The module will give business studies students an understanding of the role and workings of public service organisations. The operation of public service has to be located against the background of the UK democratic institutions and processes. The module will specifically focus on the changing nature of public services in the UK and its implications for those who manage within public service organisations.
BS3914 Public Service Delivery (7 students) |
Assignment: |
Assignment: |
Examination: |
Examination: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
58-70 |
63 |
60-70 |
67 |
60-69 |
65 |
This module encourages you to think about the processes of thinking itself and presents you with different styles of the thinking process, both linear and non-linear, for you to apply in managerial problem solving and in writing a critique of an article in the modern management literature. The module develops your knowledge of current trends in management thought and philosophy and invites you to subject these to a critical scrutiny. In the later stages of the module, you will study ways in which you can think about the ways in modern organisations are managed and controlled and in which organisations, and the individuals within them, can transform themselves into learning organisations. You will also critically examine the role of values and of ethics in management thinking and understand the ways in which these concerns are reflected in ‘green business’. Your groupwork skills will be developed by working with others to research and then present your findings upon a topic of current managerial concern. In this process, you will also be encouraged to reflect critically upon the ways in which your own thinking processes and learning skills have been developed and applied whilst working with others.
BS3916 Thinking about Management (7 students) |
Critique: |
Critique: |
Report: |
Report: |
Mark: |
Mark: |
60-72 |
62 |
66-71 |
68 |
64-70 |
67 |
Comparison with Non-Public Services Information Management students: 59