Political, Legal and Social Environment
4: explain the key features of the legal system and the fundamental principles of the law of Contract and Tort

4. explain the key features of the legal system and the fundamental principles of the law of Contract and Tort
The first three sources describe and explain the English legal system. Some notes are included on 'Common' (Case) Law and a reference to a useful BBC website. The final two sources indicate the fundamental elements of the Law of Contract and the Law of Tort (applied to 'negligence')
- A Guide to the UK legal system- Sarah Carter [University of Kent at Centerbury]
-  Identifying features of the UK Legal System
- The Court System
- Case Law
- Useful BBC website - Guide to Consumer Law
- The Law of Contract
- Law of Tort [Negligence]
APEL task [max 500 words]
"Indicate how you would:
  • show the distinctions between Case or Common Law and Statute Law
  • advise a customer as to the three conditions that must be met for a contract to be in place
  • give advice for the three conditions to be met when establishing the tort of neglience"

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    Page last updated (UK) : 5th March, 2121 at 2:57am