Before it all
500BC Sun-Tzu - Art of War - there are many sites with copies and extracts from Sun Tzu's Art of War - this site links into Project Gutenberg's etext of the treatise. This site has is a straight text version
1525 Machiavelli - The Prince - the strong, authoritarian benevolent leader - often misinterpreted - read this paper - The Hubris of Management which offers a useful re-examination. There are a number of sites about him, particularly philosophy/political science sites. The Bola site (which I recommend elsewhere) looks at him from a management angle with a clear outline of his ideas and major work.
Industrial revolution (C18th) rise of factories, supervision, division of labour - work ethic concept
1776 Adam Smith- Wealth of Nations - ethics, division of labour, job specialisation, self interest, theory of moral sentiments
1800 - 1920's
Charles Babbage - division of labour - computing pioneer
Max Weber (1864-1920) - Sociology- bureaucratic organisations
Henri Fayol 1916 - 5 management functions, theory - defining 14 principles of management Click for more detail
Henry Gantt (1861-1919) the Gantt chart scheduling multiple overlapping tasks
Mary Parker Follett - participation - universal goal, principle, and Law of the Situation
Karl Marx
Frederick W Taylor
- Principles of Scientific Management, 1911
Rise of Scientific Management 1900's - 1920's efficiency and includes
bureaucratic, scientific and administrative management - Classical school Site with
collection of many of his papers, archives etc.
Frank & Lillian Gilbreth - Time and Motion Studies refined some of the work of Taylor
Henry Ford - industrial efficiency and mass production
Industrial Psychology begins - 1920's
Hawthorne Experiments 1924 - 1933 Whitehead, Elton Mayo, and Homans, led by Fritz Roethlisberger - identified the Hawthorne Effect - social needs as motivators
1930: Elton Mayo (more details) "Human Problems of an Industrial Civilisation"
Concept of the 'learning curve'
Human Relations school 1930's-50's
1930's Roethlisberger and Dickson "Management and the Worker"
Tolman Expectancy theory
1940 Chester Barnard - Functions of the Executive - conditions for acceptance of excutive/management authority
1940's Group dynamics - Lewin, Bion
Contingency theories
FreudHerbert Simon - informal processes, decision making
Moreno - sociometry
R K Merton - studies on bureacracy and manifest & latent functions in organisations
Operational Research
Deming (14 points) and Juran begin formulating their ideas on Quality & Culture
Maslow Motivation and Personality - hierarchy of needs.
Systems theory -1940s & WWII continuing development up to this day
Lippitt - group theories & leadership
Kurt Lewin - group decision making
Homan - group systems
Herzberg job enrichment - 2 factor theory - hygiene and motivation
Drucker - objectives rather than social relations - less hierarchy, leaner organisation
Organisation man
McClelland - Learned Needs Theory
McGregor (late 1950's) Theory X and Y management
Likert - management - 4 types
Bennis on Leadership
Rice and Tavistock
B.W.Tuckman (1965) - group stages
Leadership theories - Feidler
Chris Argyris - psychological contract
Decision theory - contingency view of management
Socio- technical school - Trist & Emery
Soft Management
Organisational dynamics
Leavitt - organisational change diamond model
National Training Laboratories - Sensitivity Training
Managerial grid
Drucker - knowledge workers and knowledge intensive organisations
Affirmative action equal opportunities
Awareness, consciousness raising training
Mintzberg 10 managers roles - 6 work characteristics- 3 categories
Human Potential movement
Michel Foucault - institutions
Barnes & Stalker - organic organisations
Chris Argyris - double loop learning
Roger Harrison - organisational structures
Quality Circles
Action learning - Revans, Pedler
Rosabeth Moss Kanter - women and corporations - organisational change
Michael Porter - 5 forces - competitive strategic advantage
Management by objectives - Ansoff
Entrepreneurial managing
Information technology
Pascale - Japanese management, quality and Kaizen
Tom Peters & Robert Waterman - Excellence, 7 S model, chaos
Charles Handy - shaping the future - federalist structures
Peter Senge Fifth Discipline & Fieldbook -Learning Organisations
Richard Pascale - transformation v change
Hammer - Re-engineering organisations
Empowerment - Ricardo Semler's examples in 'Maverick'
Gareth Morgan - cultures and change - imaginization
Core competencies - Hamel & Prahalad
Chaos and complexity - Michael Lissack
Balanced scorecard - Kaplan & Norton
Now - 2000+
Portfolio careers Charles Handy
Cross cultural understanding and learning - Hofstede, Trompenaars
Human Equation
Emotional Intelligence
Virtual Organisation
Reassertion of importance of branding
Intellectual capital