FYP Tutorial Aids

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FYP Handbook 2006
Time Line for FYPs
How to write a successful Final Year Project -
a practical guide
FYP Workshops 2006-2007 Programme
FYP Workshops PowerPoints
Final Year Projects website
Building your Research Skills
Writing a literature review
On-line Journals
Research Papers (showing types of analysis)
The Quantification of Patient Satisfaction
Academic article (with notes on its construction)
Academic article (with statistical analysis)
Title form
Generic FYP Grading Form
Ethics form
FYP Supervision Meeting Record
FYP Log Forms
FYP Meeting Log Form
Tutor Allocation (inactivated link)
Excellent sources
Good example of interviews/focus groups analysis
Survey Analysis
On line Calculators!
Survey using EXCEL + above
Survey using only WebStat+Wilcoxon
Webstat- Getting Started documentation
Webstat- Help pages

Webmaster: Mike Hart, 2012