kesland website and domains

No.Documentation for kesland website and domains is the principal website provided by (25 GB provided, 5.8 GB used)
The content is mainly photos but with some web design content included is a domain name provided by Heart Internet ( + pw:Ducks!)
The content is principally web-design (less than 1GB used)
It maps onto the folder 'kesland' in the webspace [provided oy]
  3.The contents of are stored in the folder \BackUpDriveH\xtra.
The files not immediately used are stored in the subfolder 'xtra' accessed automatically with dl2.php as the index php {1.87 GB}
The files are principally web design, with some shortcuts and webtree documentation
  4.The .html file 'webtree' is accessible from but also directly with the shortcut '' and also ''