When I got back home with my six bags of shopping, Meg had been cared for both by the 'sit' carer who was complemented by the midday carer who makes sure that Meg is comfortable. Then I started to unpack the voluminous shopping but stopped halfway to make some lunch. We were running somewhat late by this time so I cu some corners by doing a sort of stir-fry using onions, peppers, fragments of ham and some tomatoes. I then made a sort of Spanish omelette by beating up four eggs and making a sort of mixture. In the afternoon, I hunted out a program first broadcast yesterday on the life of Caroline Aherne (aka 'Mrs Merton') who died at the tragically young age of 52. After this biopic was broadcast one of the Mrs Merton shows so this provided some interesting entertainment in the afternoon. To get a little more in the Christmassy mood, I have started to play Handel's Messiah on my smart speakers and am enjoying a performance by 'The Sixteen'. I always associated 'the Messiah' with the Huddersfield Choral Society who must have made some of the definitive recordings. As the carers come and go, I need to ascertain if I am due to see them again before Christmas day. If not, then I give them one of the collection of Christmas cards but most will get them next Monday on 'party' day. I feel that I have just about variety of soft drinks to suit almost everybody - paradoxically, alcohol is no problem but hardly any of the carers will be drinking it. But I have stocked up on about four different varieties of mince pies as well as stollen and some crisps so should have enough to eat. Two of the younger carers are coming along, perhaps in their party gear, to help me to prepare things on Monday and I do know that they secretly love coming here and feel at home here (as we are almost like kindly grandparents to them)