Mike HART         Curriculum Vitae


Biographical details


Place of Birth                                                Malton, Yorkshire, England


Marital status                                                Married, one son aged 34 years


Driving Licence                                            1970 to date.




Secondary Education


1956-1959                                           Thornleigh College, BOLTON, Lancashire


1959-1961                                           St. Michael’s College, LEEDS, Yorkshire




Higher Education


1965-1968                                           Manchester University


1968-1969                                           Salford University




Qualifications Obtained


1961-62                       10 GCE ‘O’-levels               


                                    GCE ‘A’-levels

1963                            English Literature      Grade              D      }   Gained as a result of      

1965                            Economics                Grade               A      }   independent, part-time

1965                            Logic                          Grade               B       }   study


1968                            BA(Econ) Honours -II(i)       Sociology


1969                            M.Sc.                                      Sociology of Science


1997                            Ph.D.                                       [De Montfort University]




Membership of Professional Institutes


1983                            FSS                   (Fellow -         Royal Statistical Society)

1983                            MCMI            (Member -     Chartered Management Institute)

1983                            MIMIS            (Member -     Institute for the  Management ofInformation Systems)

1993                            MBCS             (Member -     British Computer Society)



Employment   (most recent first)


1997 to date              Professor of Business and Informatics

                                    King Alfred’s College


                                    SO22 4NR


1976 -1997                  Principal Lecturer

                                    Leicester Polytechnic (now De Montfort University), LEICESTER

                                    The Gateway


                                    LE1 9BH


1974-1976                   Senior Lecturer

                                    Leicester Polytechnic, LEICESTER


1971-1974                   Lecturer II

                                    Leicester Polytechnic, LEICESTER


1969-1971                   Lecturer

                                    Elizabeth Gaskell College of Education, MANCHESTER


(1965-1969                  ... Full time education in universities of Manchester, Salford)


1964-1965                   Clerical Officer

                                    Central Office of Information, LONDON


1962-64                       Scientific Assistant

                                    National Lending Library for Science and Technology

                                    (now British Library - Lending Division)

                                    BOSTON SPA, Yorkshire


1962                            Clerk

                                    Skanda Wallpaper Co. Ltd., HARROGATE, Yorkshire





Attached are two lists of publications:


Mike HART :   Computing and Statistics


Many of the articles here, written in the 1980’s,  were technical articles demonstrating the use  of machine code programming whilst I was developing my expertise in this area.  The culmination of this programming effort is to be found in the programs MICROSTATS (similarly to Minitab) and TURBOSTATS (similar to SPSS) which have been published as software accompanying the books indicated in the CV.


Mike HART:    Social Science


This selection from my CV details articles written in the main in the 1990’s, with a particular focus on the research interest around which I wrote my Ph.D i.e. the measures and deployment of quality improvement techniques in the NHS.

More recently (2002), I have writing and publishing in the field of Communities of Practice and Knowledge Management.



Hobbies and Recreational Interests


Fell-walking (particularly in the English Lake District)


Classical Music and Opera




Extending my knowledge/appreciation of Hispanic culture by travelling in Mexico

and more latterly in some of the remoter  regions of Spain.




Current Teaching



Public Administration in Britain     Certificate in Public Services Information Management

                                                            BA(Hons) Public Services Management


Local Government-Continuity      Certificate in Public Services Information Management
and Change                                     BA(Hons) Public Services Management


Public Services Information          Certificate in Public Services Information Management


Quality Management in the         Certificate in Public Services Information Management
Public Sector


Research Methods and StatisticsCertificate in Public Services Information Managementi
in the Public Sector


Research Methods                          M.Sc Medical Informatics




Open University teaching experience (1972-1981)


D283               The Sociological Perspective


E352                Education, Economy and Politics


DE351             People and Work


DE206             Social Work, Community Work and Society


DE304             Research Methods in Education and the Social Sciences


D101               Team Leader: Housing Interdisciplinary module

                        (Summer schools at York, Nottingham, Cardiff,  Warwick)



Textbooks demonstrating innovation in Teaching


The third  and fourth editions of the textbook:


Curwin,J. and Slater,R. : Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions

(Chapman and Hall,1991; International Thomson Business Press,1996)


incorporate a statistical program (MICROSTATS) written by myself.  This program, which is similar in philosophy and operation to MINITAB, is the most successful interactive statistical program to be sold on the undergraduate market in the UK.  So far, total sales of the 3rd edition, including MICROSTATS, have exceeded 25,000 copies confirming its position as a market leader. 


In  1993 I wrote

Survey Design and Analysis using TURBOSTATS
(Chapman and Hall,1993)

which is a textbook, complete with an integrated suite of programs, designed to facilitate the conduct and statistical analysis of surveys after the minimum of learning time.  TURBOSTATS performs many of the same functions as SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) but is much easier to learn and to use.  This has been constantly updated and refined in the light of teaching the package to successive cohorts of students and now contains some sixteen modules.

The combination of MICROSTATS and TURBOSTATS has brought cheap, portable statistical computing power to British students for the first time.   They can be seen as ‘liberating’ in that once students have bought the relevant book including the software (each about £16-00), the packages are useable on any IBM compatible personal computer to which they have access, either at home or at work.  TURBOSTATS, in particular, is used by many of my former colleagues to assist in the statistical analysis of their own survey work as well as many undergraduate and postgraduate courses at De Montfort University (where I was employed until 1997).

I have also written EZESTATS which is a Computer Assisted Learning Package in elementary statistical concepts for business and social science students.  This is available in both interactive (computer program) form and in text form.  The EZESTATS program is incorporated in:

Curwin, Slater with Mike Hart: Numerical Techniques in Business
(Chapman and Hall, 1994)



External Examining


1991-1994       Chief External Examiner on the BA(Hons) Business Administration degree at
                        the University of Huddersfield


                        Responsibility for the following papers:


                        Human Resource Management

                        Managing Business Operations

                        Managerial and Administrative Approaches to Decision Making  )

1991-1995       External Examiner on the BA(Hons) Public Administration degree at
                        Manchester Metropolitan University
                        Responsibility for the following papers:
Information Systems
                       Computing Applications in Public Administration
                        Research methods
                        Administrative Practice Seminars

1994 -              External Examiner on the  BA(Hons) Business Administration degree
                        (University of Wales Institute, Cardiff - University of Wales)
                        Responsibility for the following papers:
                        Information Systems Management
                        People, Organisations and Society
                        Public Sector Management
                        Britain and Europe-Strategic Policy Conflicts
                        Strategic Management II
                        Managing Social Policy



Course Management experience


1971-1978       Year Tutor                   BA(Hons) Degree in Business Studies


1978-1985       Course Leader         BA(Hons) Degree in Social Sciences (PT)


1985 -              Year Tutor                   BA(Hons) Degree in Public Administration and

                                                            Managerial Studies


1997-2001       Head of Group         Business and Informatics Group

                                                            King Alfred’s College



International Links


In the Spring of 1990, I accepted an invitation to be Visiting Professor in Information Technology in the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid where I taught several courses (in Spanish) to social science students.


In May, 1994, I taught the Quantitative Methods and Information Technology core course on De Montfort University’s MBA course in Jakarta, Indonesia.


I have been an active member of the European Group of Public Administration’s Quality and Productivity in the Public Sector working group and have given papers to meetings at Bad Tadsmannsdorf, Austria (in 1994), the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands  (in 1995) and the Catholic University,  Leuven, Belgium  (in 1997).

In my present position, I have experience in helping to organise and to supervise ERASMUS exchange links with the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Granada, Spain.  I have personal contacts in several Spanish (and Spanish speaking) universities including the Universities of Seville, Granada, Cadiz, La Coruña, Complutense (Madrid) and Carlos III (Madrid) as well as the Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico.

You will observe from my CV that I have conducted some cross-cultural research utilising the SERVQUAL methodology with Pirkko Vartiainen from the University of Vaasa (principally by email!) and presented the results to an international conference in Edinburgh in 1996.



Research activities

In the 1980’s, the principal thrust of ‘scholarly activity’ in which I was engaged was writing a series of some  60 articles, often of a technical nature  (e.g. machine code utilities for CBM machines written in 6502 assembler) which helped to establish my academic credibility in the field of Information Technology.  In addition, I acquired valuable programming skills which were come to fruition in the writing of the large statistical packages MICROSTATS (similar in operation to MINITAB) and TURBOSTATS (similar in operation to SPSS).  These activities were in addition to a large teaching load, which typically included evening teaching to part-time degree students and with no research ‘remission’.

Since 1992, I have been  conducting investigations into Quality Improvement in NHS Outpatient Clinics.  The papers resulting from these investigations have been read to different groups of professionals (healthcare evaluators, public administrators, experts in TQM) principally at international conferences and the majority of them have appeared, or are scheduled to appear, in refereed journals or edited books of conference proceedings.

A brief perusal of my CV reveals that I left school (for financial reasons) immediately after GCE ‘O’-levels and worked in commerce and the civil service for nearly four years before gaining my ‘A’-levels by independent study and attending university.  Within one year of graduating, I had acquired a Master’s degree and immediately  entered my first teaching post in higher education, in which I had a full and heavy teaching load.  This continued apace when I was recruited to Leicester Polytechnic where considerable emphasis was then placed upon course development rather than research activities ‘per se’.  Consequently, I did not have the opportunity at that time to pursue a conventional Ph.D programme.

In September, 1994, De Montfort University revised its Higher Degree Regulations to allow candidates to present a series of published, refereed papers, linked by a substantial exposition document, for presentation as a PhD by published works.  I am one of the first individuals in the university to have availed themselves of the new procedures and have taken the opportunity to present a Ph.D on the theme of ‘Quality Improvement in NHS Outpatient Clinics’.  This was formally presented in March, 1997 and approved by the Examiners (two external, one internal)  in May 1997.

Most recently, my research interests have been in the field of Knowledge Management and the development of Communities of Practice.



Research Funding


Many of the research activities detailed in my CV have been conducted on the basis of consultancy rather than research grant.  To some extent, this may have been a reflection of  a teaching load in which there were limited opportunities to undertake research in a climate in which the Research Assessment Exercise had not assumed its current salience.


However, with the increasing recognition of the importance of research to the profiles of individuals and colleges, I recognise the importance of securing research funding for projects and for postgraduate students.  I am currently preparing a submission for the funding of future developments in the development of Communities of Practice with particular reference to the public sector.


Contracts have been secured in the past as follows :



1986                £1,500             Leicester City Council
                                                Contract secured to investigate ‘Ethnic Minorities and the Planning
                                                Processes in Leicester - a re-examination’
                                                (Statistical examination of  refusals of planning applications  submitted by
                                                 members of ethnic minorities in Leics.)

1990                £2,000             King’s Fund, London
                                                (Hospital discharge procedures  in Northamptonshire)

1991-1994       £2,000             Leicester General Hospital
                                                (Statistical tracking and Monitoring of Outpatients)

1993                £2,000             Oadby and Wigston Borough Council
                                                (Analysis of ‘Youth Needs’ Survey)

(1986-88          £5,000             Leicester City Council
                                                ‘Leisure, Pleasure and Jobs: Developing a Strategy to Attract                                                                       Tourists and Visitors to the City’ (group project)  )

(1989               £4,000             Department of Employment,Enterprise in Higher Education
                                                ‘An investigation of Public Administration Students Attitudes in                                                                      R elation to Enterprise’  (group project)  )

2001                £2,000             King Alfred’s College Teaching and Learning Committee to
                                                fund an investigation into ‘How Business Students Learn’

2002                £3,000             King Alfred’s College HEIF (Higher Education Initiative Fund) to
                                                assist in the development of an internal communications
                                                strategy for Hampshire County Council (which has 20,000+ full-
                                                time equivalent employees and a budget of £16.3 billion)



Additional Information

Course Development whilst at King Alfred’s College, Winchester

w  BA(Hons) Business Management with Business Communications (FT)
    (Innovative features: Work placements, languages provision)

w  BA(Hons)Public Services Management
(shares Research Methods, ICT strands with the above :  validated February, 1999)

w  Higher National Diploma in Public Services Management
(validated May, 1999)

w  BA(Hons)Business Administration & BA(Combined Hons) Business
    (validated November, 1999 ).  

w  Certificate in Public Services Information Management
(in collaboration with Hampshire County Council- validated January, 2001)     

w  Major Contributions to   - BA(Hons) Tourism and Heritage Management
                                                - KAC part-time degree (Business field)
                                                - BA(Hons) Sports Studies
                                                - BA(Hons) Sports Development
                                                - M.Sc Medical Informatics

w  Minor Contribution to     - postgraduate Certificate  in Teaching and Learning in HigherEducation



Editorial Boards


Appointed to the editorial board of International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance in January, 1998.

Appointed to the editorial board of Electronic Journal of E-Learning in January, 2003.



Quality Assurance Agency report, (February 2001)

My colleagues and I were awarded a mark of 22 out of 24 for Business and Management provision (which equates to Excellent in the previous exercise).  This was the highest grade achieved within the college at the time.




Since appointment, I have been teaching four modules per semester, including evening teaching (BA(Hons) Business Administration - part-time).  Innovations within my own teaching style (and which some colleagues are now adopting) includes:

   w   Statistical profiling of modules

   w    Individualised feedback on assignments

   w    New forms of assessment feedback



College Responsibilities


w Chair - Business and Applied Sciences School Quality Committee
  (January 1998-February,2000)


w Member - Academic Standards Committee


w Acting Head - Business and Applied Sciences

  (April-August 1998)


w Chairman of Validation panels for :

  MA(Local History and Archaeology) - Final stage event
  PGCE (Primary) - First stage event
  MA Religion



Website developed




has been on-line since March, 2002 and has attracted a total of 50,000 visitors


My personal webpage can be accessed at:




which contains downloadable versions of recently delivered conference papers