Mid-year Total Population 1998 (millions): |
59.1 |
Mid-year Total Population 2025 (millions): |
62.6 |
Annual Growth Rate (%): |
0.2 |
Urban Population (%): |
90 |
Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 of a population in a given year): |
90 |
Total Fertility Rate (Sum of the age-specific fertility rates in a given year): |
1.7 |
Women aged 15-19 giving live births each year (%): |
3 |
Women aged 15-49 using contraception (all methods) (%): |
72 |
Women aged 15-49 using contraception (modern methods) (%): |
65 |
Crude Death Rate (deaths per 1,000 of a population in a given year): |
11 |
Average Life expectancy in years (men): |
74 |
Average Life expectancy in years (women): |
80 |
Infant Mortality Rate (Number of deaths to infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births in a given year): |
6 |
Maternal Mortality Rate (Number of deaths to women due to pregnancy or childbearing complications per 100,000 live births in a given year): |