Political, Legal and Social Environment

Political, Legal and Social Environment

Source materials for intending PSIM students

1. outline the key features of the political, legal and social environment within which business operates PLS1
2. give examples of the influence that the environment has upon business and business decisions PLS2
3. describe the key features of the political process and means of exerting influence on political decisions PLS3
4. explain the key features of the legal system and the fundamental principles of the law of Contract and Tort PLS4
5. identify and outline examples of ethical and social issues and trends that impact upon business PLS5
6. distinguish between internal and external factors affecting business performance PLS6
  Any other evidence from your work experience similar to, or the equivalent of, the above (specify)  
An excellent source that covers many of the issues in this module (and much more besides) is the following:
Worthington, Ian and Britton, Chris (2003) The Business Environment (4th edition), Harlow: Pearson Education (£34.99)

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