Stages of Legislation



House of Commons


First Reading

o                                Formal reading out of title of the Bill by Clerk.

o                                Ordered to be printed.

Second Reading

o                                Usually two weekends after First Reading.

o                                Main opportunity to debate the Bill. A division represents a
            direct challenge to the principle of the Bill.

Committee Stage


o                                Usually starts two weeks after Second Reading and can take
            anything from one meeting to several months.

o                                Chance to vote on the detail, clause by clause.

o                                Amendments selected by Chairman (advised by Clerk).

o                                All Bills go to one of four Committee types:

(i) Committee of Whole House:- for constitutional Bills and parts of the Finance Bill;

(ii) Standing Committee - most usual procedure. 16-50 Members, in proportion to overall party strengths.

(iii) Select Committee [Rarely used].

(iv) Special Standing Committee [Rarely used] - has powers to send for persons, papers and records; holds 4 sittings and hears oral evidence in private and public.

Report Stage

o                                Usually two weekends elapse between end of Committee Stage
 and Report Stage.

o                                A further chance to consider amendments, new clauses and, for
             MPs not on the Committee, to propose changes.

Third Reading

o                                Usually immediately after Report Stage.

o                                Final chance to debate the Bill.

o                                A vote gives chance to show dissatisfaction with amended Bill.

o                                The Bill now goes to the Lords


House of Lords


First Reading


o                                Formal.

o                                The Bill is reprinted in the form finally agreed by the
            Commons. (see note below)

Second Reading

o                                Two weekends after First Reading.

o                                Debate on general principles of the Bill.

o                                Government Bills included in the election manifesto are, by
            convention, not opposed at the Second Reading, but "reasoned"
            amendments may be tabled as a means of indicating dissent and
            can be voted on.

Committee Stage


o                                Fourteen days after Second Reading and often spread over
            several days.

o                                Bills usually go to a Committee of the Whole House; but
            sometimes to Committees off the floor.

o                                Detailed line by line examination.

o                                Unlike the Commons, there is no selection of amendments -
            all can be considered.

o                                No guillotine, as in the Commons, and debate on amendments
            is unrestricted

Report Stage


o                                Fourteen days after the end of Committee Stage for all Bills of
            considerable length and complexity.

o                                Further chance to amend Bill.

o                                May be spread over several days.

Third Reading and

o                                Unlike in the Commons, amendments can be made provided
             the issue has not been voted on at an earlier stage.

o                                Passing: The final opportunity for peers to comment and vote on
Consideration of Amendments

o                                Depending on which House the Bill started in, each House now
            considers the other's amendments.

o                                Bills with contentious amendments pass back and forth between
            the Houses until agreement is reached. If each House insists on
            its amendments, a Bill is lost.

o                                Bills with agreed amendments await Royal Assent.
Royal Assent

o                                Queen' assent formally notified to both Houses.

o                                Bill becomes an Act.






For the purpose of this chart, the Bill is assumed to have started in the Commons. Bills may equally be introduced first into the Lords. There are no substantive differences in the stages followed by a Bill starting in the Lords.


R = Bill is reprinted at these points if amended at previous stage.


To follow the progress of a Bill,

Contact: Information Office: (Lords) 0171-219 3107 (Commons) 0171-219 4272
Consult: Weekly Information Bulletin
Visit: House of Lords web site at