January 8 2004 - What makes people angry at work and what they do about it?
A recent occupational psychology study suggests that anger is widespread at work. It also shows that people get most angry about immoral behaviour (like cheating, lying, stealing or other misbehaviour) and when they themselves feel unjustly treated (such as unjust criticism or a heavy workload).
These findings are presented by Jill Booth from the University of Central Lancashire, during the British Psychological Society’s Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, from January 7-9, 2004, in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Making work colleagues angry may have undesirable consequences for the offender. A common reaction from the angry person is to mete out some form of unofficial punishment such as:
- gossiping about the offender
- telling lies about them, or
- giving them undesirable jobs.
Long-term consequences include:
- feeling chronically angry about the incident
- quitting or considering leaving the job
- allowing the anger to affect home life.
The study consisted of in-depth interviews with 24 males and females in management and non-management positions in a range of sectors including retail, education and health.
Other common causes of anger were:
* others’ job incompetence
* people being disrespectful (for example being rude or arrogant)
* people simply failing to communicate and excluding the individual.
Angry individuals adopted a wide range of coping strategies including talking to others, letting off steam, negotiating a resolution or cold-shouldering the offender. In a minority of incidents there was legitimate punishment of the offender.
Overall, the study suggests that anger at work may have long as well as short-term consequences for both the individual and their organisation. Taking steps to identify causes of anger and reduce it may be worthwhile.