Mike Hart photo Mike Hart
Published Papers and Conference Presentations

Turn book   Health Service Quality

Hart,M.C. (1992) 'Low technology', British Journal of Health Care Computing, 9(8): 19-22.


Hart,M.C. (1995a) Reducing Outpatient Clinic Waiting Times: Some Quality Assurance Issues,  Leicester, Leicester Business School Occasional Paper No. 23, De Montfort University, Leicester


Hart,M.C. (1995b) 'Improving Outpatient Clinic waiting times - methodological and substantive issues', International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 8(6): 14-22.


Hart,M.C. (1995c) 'An "ecological" approach to Total Quality Management- a case study from NHS outpatient clinics', in Kanji,G. (ed), Total Quality Management, London, Chapman and Hall.


Hart,M.C. (1995d) 'Monitoring Quality in the British Health Service - A case study and a theoretical critique', Paper read to  23rd International Congress of Administrative Sciences, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (1-5 July)


Hart,M.C. (1995e) 'Measuring Perceptions of Quality of Public Services',  Paper read to European Group of Public Administration Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, September.


Hart,M.C. and Dyson,S (1995) 'Implementing monitoring systems for outpatient clinics:the contribution from IT', in Richards,B.(ed) Current Perspectives in Healthcare Computing 1995, Weybridge, BJHC


Hart,M.C. (1996a) 'Measuring Perceptions of Quality in NHS Clinics using the SERVQUAL Methodology', in Richards,B.(ed), Healthcare Computing 1996, Weybridge, BJHC.


Hart,M.C. (1996b) 'Improving the discrimination of SERVQUAL by using magnitude scaling', in Kanji,G.K. (ed), Total Quality Management in Action, London, Chapman and Hall.


Hart,M.C. (1996c) 'Improving the Quality of NHS Outpatient Clinics - the Applications and Misapplications of TQM',  International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 9(2): 20-27.


Hart, M.C. (1996d) 'Improving the quality of Outpatient Services in NHS Hospitals - some policy considerations', International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 9(7): 28-38.


Hart,M.C. (1996e) ‘Incorporating Outpatient Perceptions into Definitions of Quality’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24: 1234-1240.


Vartiainen,P. and Hart.M. (1996), ‘Outpatient Satisfaction in the UK and Finland- a comparative study utilising the SERVQUAL methodology’,  Paper read to the International Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 10-12 April.


Hart.M.C. (1997), ‘Experiencing Quality - the Patient’s Perspective’  Paper read to 2nd World Congress for Total Quality Management, Sheffield Hallam University, 30 June-2nd July.


Hart,M.C. (1999) 'The Quantification of Patient Satisfaction', in Davies,H.T.O.,Tavakoli,M.,Malek,M. and Neilson,A.(eds), Managing Quality:Strategic Issues in Health care Management, Aldershot, Ashgate.

A Power Point exposition of some of the data and themes from
Quality Improvement in NHS Outpatient Clinics
can be consulted here.

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