Winchester Business E-Learning [WinBEL] Project



Hart, M. and Haslam, P. (2002)
"The reconfiguration of the higher education experience and its implications for work based learning (WBL)"
in MCIL(2002),European Conference on e-Learning [pp. 85-93],MCIL. Reading [ISBN:0-9540488-8-1]
Brunel University, 4th-5th November,2002 [57k]
Power Point presentation  [71k]

Haslam,P. and Hart,M. (2002)
"Building a hybrid model of support for a new community of practice in the public sector"
in MCIL(2002),European Conference on e-Learning [pp. 105-114],MCIL, Reading [ISBN:0-9540488-8-1]
Brunel University, 4th-5th November,2002 [67k]
Power Point presentation  [71k]

Haslam,P., Hart,M.C. and Hart,M. (2002)
"Developing new communities of practice in local authorities in the UK:
a case-study of para-information professionals"
in A.Méndez Vilas, J.A.Mesa Gonzáles and I.Solo de Zaldívar Maldonado(2002)
Educational Technology - International Conference on ICT's in Education [Vol 1, pp. 464-68]
(Badajoz, Junta de Extremadura, Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología)
ICTE 2002,Badajoz (Spain), 13-16th November,2002 [55k]
ISBN:Colleccíon: 84-95251-76-0 ISBN:Tomo:1-84-95251-77-9
Power Point presentation  [71k]

Hart,Mike (2002)
"The role of Virtual Learning Environments in Delivering Mass Higher Education in the UK"
in A.Méndez Vilas, J.A.Mesa Gonzáles and I.Solo de Zaldívar Maldonado(2002)
Educational Technology - International Conference on ICT's in Education [Vol III, pp. 1741-45]
(Badajoz, Junta de Extremadura, Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología)
ICTE 2002,Badajoz (Spain), 13-16th November,2002 [55k]
ISBN:Colleccíon: 84-95251-76-0 ISBN:Tomo:1-84-95251-77-9
PowerPoint presentation  [79k]

Lominé, Loykie(2003)
"I’m a virtual lecturer but I need real help: Professional challenges and pedagogical opportunities pertaining to virtuality in Higher Education"
Paper read to 2nd Global Conference- Virtual Learning and Higher Education
Mansfield College, Oxford, 12th-13th September, 2003
To be published as e-book: 1st November, 2003; Hard copy: 1st June, 2004

Hart,Mike and Friesner,Tim (2003)
"'I found it on the web'- some reflections on e-learning,plagiarism and poor academic practice"
Paper delivered to 2nd European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2003]
Glasgow Caledonian University, 6-7th November, 2003
Revised version published in:

Hart,Mike and Friesner,Tim (2004)
"Plagiarism and Poor Academic Practice - A Threat to the Extension of e-Learning in Higher Education?"
Electronic Journal of eLearning,Vol. 2(1)March

Friesner,Tim and Hart,Mike (2003)
"Free e-learning for the Greater China Region: a cultural analysis of the Marketing Teacher experience."
Paper delivered to 2nd European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2003]
Glasgow Caledonian University, 6-7th November, 2003
Revised version published in:

Friesner,Tim and Hart, Mike (2004)
"A cultural analysis of e-learning for China"
Electronic Journal of eLearning,Vol. 2(1)March

Rush,David (2003) "Using the Web for teaching - old problems in a new guise"
Paper delivered to 2nd European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2003]
Glasgow Caledonian University, 6-7th November, 2003

Hart,Mike (2004) "Is Plagiarism an inevitable consequence of digital learning?"
[Chapter written for:]
Sharma, R.C., Mishra, S. and Pulist, S.K. (2005) Education in the Digital World
New Delhi,Viva Books Private Ltd

Hart,Mike and Graham, Roz (2004) "The 'new plagiarism', academic dishonesty and the development of critical thinking skills" 
Paper delivered to E-Learn 2004
Washington, DC,USA 1-5th November, 2004
Power Point presentation  [356k]
Conference Report

Hart,Mike and Graham, Roz (2004) "E-Learning and e-communities- asymmetries and dilemmas"
Paper delivered to 3rd European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2004]
Université Paris-Dauphine, 18-19th November, 2004
Power Point presentation [268k]

Rush, David (2004) "Access and Identity in the VLE"
Paper delivered at 3rd European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2004]
Université Paris-Dauphine, 18-19th November, 2004

Friesner, Tim and Hart, Mike (2004) 'Learning Log Analysis: Analysing data that Record Reflection, Experience and Learning'
Paper delivered to 4th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies [ECRM2005]
Université Paris-Dauphine, 21-22nd April, 2005

Graham, Roz and Hart, Mike (2005) 'Plagiarism is a complex issue, but - Universities must articulate a moral vision and live up to it!'
Paper delivered to 4th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies [ECRM2005]
Université Paris-Dauphine, 21-22nd April, 2005

Hart, Mike and Byrne, Peter (2005) 'Using e-government to improve the quality of local authority services'
Paper delivered at 5th European Conference on E-Government [ECEG2005]
University of Antwerp,Belgium 16-17 June, 2005
Power Point presentation  [406k]

Byrne, Peter and Mike Hart (2005) 'E-Easy: The internal digital divide - The Development of e-government within local government'
Paper delivered to 5th European Conference on E-Business [ECEG2005]
University of Antwerp, Belgium, 16-17th June, 2005
Power Point presentation  [336k]

Hart, Mike, Burgess, Joan and Betts, Helen (2005) 'The role of e-learning in accelerating part-time student progression'
Paper delivered to 4th European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2005]
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 10th-11th November, 2005
Power Point presentation  [150k]

Rush, David and Hart, Mike (2006) 'The Minutes Tool: diagnosing student engagement'
Toolkit demonstrated at the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Business Management, Accountancy and Finance [BMAF]
Oxford Hotel, Near Wolvercote, Oxford,UK. 6th-7th April, 2006

Rush, David and Hart, Mike (2006) 'Student Incorporation into the Quality Process- An Examination of the Business and Management Student experience'
Paper delivered at the European Academy of Management Annual Conference [EURAM2006]
Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway, 17-20 May, 2006

Rush, David and Hart, Mike (2006) 'The National Student Survey in Business and Management'
Workshop conducted for the The National Student Survey Conference
Management Study area, The Higher Education Academy, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, 1st June, 2006

Hart, Mike and Rush, David (2006) 'E-Learning and the development of voice in business studies education'
Paper to be delivered at the International Conference on E-Learning [ICEL2006]
University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, 22nd-23rd June, 2006
Accepted for publication in International Journal of Educational Management

Hart, Mike and Rush, David (2006) 'Can we measure excellence in business studies education (utilising innovative methodologies?)'
Paper delivered at the 5th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Education [ECRM2006]
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 17-18th July, 2006

Rush, David and Hart, Mike (2006) 'The development of quality management tools in business management education'
Paper delivered at the 5th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Education [ECRM2006]
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 17-18th July, 2006

Hart, Mike, Roman, Laura and Mikulecki, Peter (2006) 'Intercultural differences in e-learning styles of European business students'
Paper to be delivered at the 5th European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2006]
University of Winchester, UK, 11-12 September, 2006

Rush, David, Hart, Mike and Bodger, Eric (2006) 'Electronic feedback for students: a mixed blessing?'
Paper to be delivered at the 5th European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2006]
University of Winchester, UK, 11-12 September, 2006

Burgess, Joan (2006) 'Reflections on using e-Learning to deliver a Nurse Prescribing programme'
Paper to be delivered at the 5th European Conference on e-Learning [ECEL2006]
University of Winchester, UK, 11-12 September, 2006