Avoiding plagiarism is important. When you properly acknowledge the contributions to knowledge made by other people, you are showing respect for their work, and you are giving credit where credit is due. You are not misleading the reader to believe that your work is solely your own.
The academic community highly values the acknowledgment of other people's contributions to knowledge. The disciplinary consequences of documented plagiarism at Indiana University can be severe. As a student you could receive a failing grade, be expelled from the university, or in extreme cases your degree could be revoked if plagiarism is discovered after you have graduated.
This is the end of this short lesson. If you have comments or questions, send me e-mail. You and others are welcome to use this quiz for any non-profit educational purpose. A more detailed tutorial on how to recognize plagiarism is also available.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about plagiarism.
Start Over | Department of Instructional Systems Technology | Indiana University Bloomington
Plagiarism Lesson by Ted Frick
Last Revised: September 13, 2003
Copyright 2000, Indiana University
Adapted by Mike Hart, University College, Winchester 2004