What is Plagiarism at Indiana University?

Item 7.

In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine if this is plagiarism. Then answer the question below by clicking in the appropriate radio button.

Original Source Material Sample of Student Written Work


Picture of George Washington

Many United States presidents are honored for their great work, but two stand above all others: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln is remembered for his great human qualities. Washington is beloved as the "father of his country."

Washington was a "father" in many ways. He was commander in chief of the American forces in the American Revolution, chairman of the convention that wrote the United States Constitution, and first president.

(quoted from The Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate, Copyright © 1999-2000 Encyclopędia Britannica, Inc. Photograph of Washington oil painting by Gilbert Stuart circa 1796, in the White House.)

Picture of George Washington
(Photograph of Washington oil painting by Gilbert Stuart circa 1796, in the White House in The Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate, (1999-2000).)

Washington is beloved as the "father of his country." He was commander in chief of the American forces in the American Revolution, chairman of the convention that wrote the United States Constitution, and first president.


The Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate, (1999-2000) Encyclopędia Britannica, Inc. Online at http://www.eb.com/

Photograph of Washington oil painting by Gilbert Stuart circa 1796, in the White House in The Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate, (1999-2000). Encyclopędia Britannica, Inc. Online at http://www.eb.com/

 Yes, because it quotes another person's actual words, either oral or written; and it is not appropriately acknowledged.
 Yes, because it paraphrases another person's words, either oral or written; and it is not appropriately acknowledged
 Yes, because it uses another person's idea, opinion, or theory; and it is not properly acknowledged.
 Yes, because it borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative material, unless the information is common knowledge; and it is not properly acknowledged.

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Plagiarism Lesson by Ted Frick
Last Revised: August 20, 2001
Copyright 2000, Indiana University

Adapted by Mike Hart, University College, Winchester 2004