5. Information age government:
We will use new technology to meet the needs
of citizens and business, and not trail behind technological developments
1. Information technology is changing our
lives: the way we work, the way we do business, the way we communicate
with each other, how we spend our time. New technology offers
opportunities and choice. It can give us access to services 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. It will make our lives easier. Government
intends to be at the head of these developments, using them to give
effect to the vision in this White Paper.
Identifying the problem
2. We have seen a revolution over the past
decade in the way leading companies across the world do business. They
have used networked computing to refocus their activities on the
customer. They have used IT to work more closely with their suppliers.
They have made innovative use of information to become learning
organisations. They have supplied new services, when, where and how the
customer wants them. They have developed new delivery channels like
call centres and the Internet. They have given their staff the support
they need to use IT effectively.
3. Government has not kept sufficient pace
with these developments. We have been active in some areas. We set out
our programme in a consultation paper, Our Information Age.
We have launched major initiatives in education, libraries and the
health service. We have begun to widen access to IT skills and to
encourage the growth of electronic commerce and digital broadcasting.
In the White Paper Our Competitive Future we have made clear
our championship of electronic commerce as a key tool for a successful
knowledge-driven economy. And in the Budget we announced a programme
worth £1.7 billion to provide computers and IT literacy for all.
4. But we must go much further. Government
has so far followed a largely decentralised approach to IT development.
This has allowed Departments and agencies to modernise their systems in
ways that meet their own needs. But we have not developed ways of
ensuring that we maximise the benefits of IT for government as a whole.
As a result, we have incompatible systems and services which are not
integrated. We must do more if we are to obtain the real benefits of
information age government, for better service delivery, better
procurement and more efficient working.
What must change
5. The Government must bring about a
fundamental change in the way we use IT.
We must modernise the business of government itself achieving joined
up working between different parts of government and providing new,
efficient and convenient ways for citizens and businesses to
communicate with government and to receive services.
IT will:
make it easier for businesses and individuals to deal with government.
enable government to offer services and information through new media like the Internet or interactive TV.
improve communications between different parts of government so that
people do not have to be asked repeatedly for the same information by
different service providers.
give staff at call centres and other offices better access to
information so that they can deal with members of the public more
efficiently and more helpfully.
make it much easier for different parts of government to work in
partnership: central government with local authorities or the voluntary
sector; or government with third-party delivery channels such as the
Post Office or private sector companies.
help government to become a learning organisation by improving our access to, and organisation of, information.
Support for local communities and the voluntary sector
Voluntary groups and small businesses in Brixton are being helped to get on to the Internet by Brixton Online,
a community based not-for-profit group. It provides low cost Internet
training in conjunction with local Internet access points. It is
developing a local learning network and helping small businesses use
e-commerce technologies. Brixton Online is working in partnership with
local business and Lambeth Borough Council. |
6. Society is not homogeneous. Government
exists to serve those who feel excluded from developments in
information technology just as much as it serves those who embrace the
new technology. The information age should increase the choice of how
citizens and businesses receive services, not restrict it. The
Internet, interactive TV and touchscreen delivery should take their
place alongside more innovative use of the telephone, the call centre
and the paper document, not replace them; nor should
face to face contact be replaced where that is what is needed. We will develop targeted strategies to ensure that all groups have proper access to information
age government.
Making a start
A corporate IT strategy for government
7. We are developing a corporate IT strategy for government.
IT systems have tended to be developed separately by different public
service agencies; we need now to encourage them to converge and
inter-connect. This will focus on the needs of citizens and businesses
and will encourage wider choice on how public services should be
provided. It will maximise the benefits to both central and local
government of a more co-ordinated approach to information technology
procurement. In taking it forward we will work in partnership across
the public sector and with the private sector. Through the strategy the
Government will:
set key objectives for managing, authenticating and identifying data, using commercial open standards wherever possible.
establish frameworks for specific technologies where stronger co-ordination is needed.
ensure that government acts as a champion of electronic commerce.
By 2002, UK businesses and customers will be working in the best
economy in the world
for electronic trading. E-commerce is revolutionising the commercial
world, offering greater choice to consumers, and greater access to
markets for suppliers. In March 1999, the Government published a
consultation paper proposing legislation for building confidence in
e-commerce, and will be publishing a Bill after Easter. |
use the Government Secure Intranet (GSI) to boost cross-departmental working
and to make the public sector work more coherently.
strengthen the protection of privacy and human rights while providing a clear basis for sharing data between departments.
8. In taking forward this strategy, we will :
designate a senior official at board level within each Department to
champion the information age government agenda within the Department
and its agencies.
- benchmark progress against targets for electronic
service delivery, and against the best performance in the private
sector and in other countries.
continue to work closely with business, both bilaterally and through the Information Age Partnership and associated groups.
incorporate information age government objectives into the approach for
Best Value and beacon councils, and into agency framework documents.
- align expenditure which supports IT investment from the
Invest to Save Budget and the Capital Modernisation Fund with the
- set a target that by the end of the year all
Departments should be participating in the Government Secure Intranet.
We will establish secure onward links to
local authorities, hospitals and post offices. We will provide the IT
base for government to work as a learning organisation and develop a
range of applications on the GSI to support effective working across
departmental boundaries. We will use the GSI as a platform for
management of electronic government records.
Electronic services for citizens and businesses
9. The Government is taking specific actions to develop information age government through IT
in a number of areas. In many cases this is allowing public services to
be delivered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We will continue to
promote initiatives to modernise services in accordance with the needs
of citizens and businesses.
For example:
the NHS will use IT to transform the way health services are delivered.
NHS Direct will achieve national coverage by the end of 2000.
- from 2000, individual taxpayers and businesses will be
able to make income tax returns to the Inland Revenue and register for
VAT with Customs & Excise over the Internet. In the Budget, the
Government announced that there would be a discount for small
businesses which make their tax returns electronically.
- citizens and businesses in Northern Ireland, will be
able to use an integrated service for vehicle testing, licensing and
insurance which is being established
in partnership with the insurance industry.
Better health services through the NHS
From the end of April 1999, 20 million people will be able to call NHS Direct
for healthcare advice from experienced, qualified nurses. NHS Direct
will work in partnership with other local services to provide advice to
callers about getting the right level of care.
Some healthcare professionals are now able to deliver quicker test
results, up-to-date specialist advice and even online booking of
appointments through NHSnet. They will, later this year, also get
access to a wide range of health information through the National
Electronic Library for Health. |
Better service for taxpayers
Taxpayers whose affairs are handled by the Inland Revenue Centre at
East Kilbride can expect a great improvement in the service they
receive. In February 1999, the Inland Revenue opened its first
dedicated call centre in East Kilbride, which will conduct a wide range
of business for 2 million employees and pensioners. Access to a faster
and more convenient service for the customer is accompanied by
increased efficiency for the Inland Revenue. Alongside the call centre
is an incoming-mail room which will also handle all the postal
interactions with customers in the area, and a one-stop shop handling
33,000 visits a year. This separation of roles will allow the 'customer
facing' office to focus solely on providing excellent service to the
customer, while the 'back office' can focus on efficient processing of
data. |
National Grid for Learning
More and more people are able to access information on a wide range of educational resources through the National Grid for Learning.
The Grid is the national focal point for learning on the Internet. It
is both an architecture of educationally valuable content and a
programme for developing the means to access it in schools, libraries,
colleges, universities, workplaces, homes and elsewhere. The National
Grid for Learning initiative aims to connect all schools to the
Internet by 2002. Currently, 30% of primary schools, 90% of secondary
schools and 45% of special schools in England have some form of
Internet access. The Grid was launched in November 1998 by the Prime
Minister. The National Grid for Learning site and its partners offer
some 50,00060,000 pages of material, and more is available each week.
The site is currently being accessed on average over 75,000 times a day.
University for Industry
Individuals and businesses will soon have access to a wealth of lifelong learning resources through the University for Industry,
a new kind of organisation for open and distance learning. Using modern
information and communications technologies, it will broker
high-quality learning products and services and make them available at
home, in the workplace and at learning centres country-wide. |
Images -
Llandough Hospital and Community NHS Trust.
Darlington College
of Technolgy.
ACCORD is the DSS programme for the next generation of IT. It will
be central to modernising social security services at the turn of the
century. At present, DSS assesses claims and holds information benefit
by benefit on a series of administrative chimneys each with its own IT
system. Information is duplicated and inconsistent. We ask people
repeatedly for the same details, creating opportunities for fraud and
abuse. ACCORD will bring together the data for delivering services. It
will provide single accounts for social security customers and
integrated modern systems that staff need to deliver high-quality,
joined-up, service. |
Electronic public records
The Public Record Office is
leading a strategy across government for managing and accessing
archives, using modern IT to support service delivery and
accountability. It is our aim that by 2004 all newly created public
records will be electronically stored and retrieved.
By the end of 1999, all the Public Record Office's research information will be available to the public electronically. |
10. We set out our plans to transform local government in the White Paper Modernising Local Government In Touch with the People. We will expand on these by establishing a Central/Local Information Age Government Concordat,
which will encourage innovation and co-operation between central and
local service providers. It will drive up technology standards across
the public sector.
11. We are also looking at how the public
service can work in partnership with the private sector and voluntary
organisations to deliver public services in innovative ways. We are
talking to banks, the Post Office, supermarkets, accountants,
interactive broadcasting companies, the information technology industry
and others about how they can be partners in service delivery.
Alongside this White Paper, the Central IT Unit of the Cabinet Office is publishing on the Internet a fuller description of this work.
On-line services for citizens in Cambridge
Cambridge Online is a community
information service providing on-line information and services to
anyone living or working in or around Cambridge. Membership includes
shops, businesses, community groups, charities and Cambridge residents
from all walks of life.
Cambridge Online provides e-mail facilities, help in creating web
pages and access bulletin boards, on-line chat and conference channels.
It gives access to up-to-date news about local government, local events
and services; and advertises job vacancies for the County Council,
neighbouring local authorities and charities funded by the County
Council. |
Future action
Information age government for citizens and business
By 2002, the Government intends, as a minimum, that citizens will be able electronically to:
book driving and theory tests.
look for work and be matched to jobs.
submit self-assessment tax returns.
get information and advice about benefits.
get on-line health information and advice.
use the National Grid for Learning.
apply for training loans and student support.
Business will be able electronically to:
complete VAT registration and make VAT returns.
file returns at Companies House.
apply for regional support grants.
receive payments from government for the supply of goods and services.
Framework policies across government
12. The Government will take forward its
vision of information age government further by publishing a range of
new frameworks across government to cover:
data standards. We will put in place on the Government Secure
Intranet standard definitions and programming tools to allow
Departments to develop new systems in a consistent and standardised
way, and to present the data they already hold in a common way.
digital signatures. These can provide a means of identification
and authentication when conducting business with government. We will
to ensure legal equivalence between digital and paper and pen
signatures and work with financial institutions and others so that
their digital signature products can be used to enable government
call centres. A common approach to how people identify themselves when dealing with government call centres.
smartcards. These can carry digital signatures and are increasingly capable
of supporting many functions on the same card. We are working with banks
and other partners to make them available for dealings with government.
We will publish a framework for their use in support of service delivery
across government.
digital TV. How government should best develop services and information
for delivery using digital TV.
web sites. To bring about a more coherent approach to the use of
web sites
for giving information and eventually delivering services, we will
publish guidelines for government websites by November 1999. We will
the site www.open.gov.uk. so that it provides easier access to
and an updated search facility.
government gateways. In the longer term, we aim to link the
widest possible range of government services and information through
electronic government gateways (or portals). Government
agencies and Departments hold very large amounts of data. The variety
of systems, some of them now old, makes accessing that data efficiently
a key problem. Projects, such as the Department of Social Security's ACCORD,
have begun to address these issues. We will build on this experience to
manage information in support of better service delivery.
A prototype government portal will be developed this year.
better on-line services for businesses. The Government intends
to make information about regulations more accessible from a single
source and to increase greatly the scope for businesses to respond
electronically to demands
for information from government. This initiative will be taken forward
by the
new Small Business Service. We are funding a study into the development
of a single business register from the Invest to Save Budget to provide electronic identification of businesses for their dealings with government.
Financial transactions between citizens and government
13. New technology provides an opportunity to simplify the increasingly complicated set of financial transactions between citizens and government.
The closer integration
of the tax and benefit systems, the development of a range of accounts
to pay for training, and the creation of the Single Work-Focused
Gateway, set new challenges.
The Government will ensure as simple a set of transactions for the
citizen as possible, avoiding duplication of effort by Departments and
achieving best value for our investment. We will explore how we might
promote social inclusion by encouraging greater use of the banking
system. In support of these aims we propose:
- to promote access to and use of personal accounts, managed
by banks and other institutions, by as broad a section of society as
to adopt as an aim across government that payments should usually be made into an account of the citizen's choice.
- to examine whether greater data sharing between
Departments, agencies and local government will help them to provide
easier financial dealings with citizens.
14. There is concern that information
technology could lead to mistaken identity, inadvertent disclosure and
inappropriate transfer of data. The Government will address these
concerns and will demonstrate our belief that data protection is an objective
of information age government, not an obstacle to it.
On privacy, the Government will:
work closely with the Data Protection Registrar to ensure that
privacy implications of electronic service delivery are fully addressed.
carry through our commitment to openness, so that the citizen has
relevant information about our initiatives as they are developed and
promote specific codes of practice, on a departmental or inter-departmental basis, for information age government.
benefit from the Data Protection Registrar's powers to conduct independent assessments of the processing of personal data.
deploy privacy-enhancing technologies, so that data is disclosed,
accessed or identified with an individual only to the extent necessary.
provide a proper and lawful basis for data sharing where this is desirable, for example
in the interest of improved service or fraud reduction consistent with our commitment
to protect privacy.
Electronic delivery
15. The Prime Minister announced in 1997 that, by 2002, 25% of dealings with Government should be capable of being done by the public electronically.
Progress towards this target will be published on a six-monthly basis
from May 1999
on www.citu.gov.uk. The target has been included in Departments' Public
Service Agreements. Each Department's target will be reviewed on the
basis of its returns for the May report. Where a target is
insufficiently challenging it will be revised. We have also set a
target that, by March 2001, 90% by value of low value purchases by
central government should be carried out electronically.
16. The Government's aim is to ensure that the UK is at the forefront of international best practice. We will set new targets
beyond 2002. Before we set the target for 2005, we will ask Departments
to identify processes that for operational or policy reasons are
incapable of delivery electronically, or for which there is genuinely
unlikely to be demand. Those excepted, we propose that 50% of dealings should be capable of electronic delivery by 2005 and 100% by 2008.
We believe that all local authorities should set and publish their own
targets for electronic delivery and will begin discussions with the
Local Government Association in order to bring this about. We are also
monitoring the progress Departments are making to deliver information
age government in an integrated way. Details of this work are on
17. We know that we cannot picture now
exactly what information age government will look like in 2008. The
pace of technological change is fast and exhilarating. Business will be
transformed by e-commerce. Before 2008, there will be further
technological break-throughs which cannot be foreseen now. (In 1978,
some commentators might not even have predicted the personal computer,
let alone the Internet.) The Government's strategy must be flexible
enough to take advantage of such developments, rather than locking
citizens, business, government and our partners into rigid structures
which may be overtaken.
18. But we can reasonably predict some of the elements which are likely to contribute to achieving the 100% target by 2008. Here are ten drivers of information age government:
Household access to electronic services through developments
such as interactive TV. But there will also be a very wide range of
public access points, with advice on hand.
Much more user-friendly, inexpensive, and multi-functional technology as TV, telephones and broadcasting converge.
As part of this, less dependence on keyboard skills
as remote control pads, voice command, touch screens,
video-conferencing and other developments make it easier for users to
operate and benefit from new technology. But other skills will be built
up in schools, in the workplace, and across the community.
Continuing dramatic increases in computing power,
and in the power of networked computing, together enabling government
services to be delivered more conveniently, accurately, quickly and
Wide scale take-up of multi-purpose smartcards, with which citizens can identify themselves, use services, safeguard their privacy and, increasingly,
make and receive payments. Cards will also evolve into still more powerful technologies.
Government forms and other processes which are interactive, guided by on-line help and advice, and collect all the necessary information in one go.
Smarter knowledge management across government, which
increasingly enables government to harness its data and experience more
effectively, and to work in new ways.
Use of government web sites and other access points as single
gateways, often structured around life episodes, to a whole range of
related government services or functions.
Repackaging of government services or functions, often through
partnerships with the private sector, local government or the voluntary
sector, so that they can be provided more effectively.
Flexible invest to save approaches, where the huge potential of new technology to increase efficiency is used imaginatively to fund better-designed processes.
19. Such developments will not limit
choice, end face-to-face dealings or invade the privacy of the
individual. Nor will they, in themselves, turn the complex issues which
citizens and businesses face in the real world into simple ones,
although they can radically improve services such as medical advice,
education and training and crime reduction. Nevertheless, the potential
for change is vast. There is no good reason
why, by 2008, it should not be as simple and easy to do many of the main
dealings with government as it is today to make a phone call or choose between TV programmes.
20. This vision must be turned into reality. We will build on the planned examples of electronic services in paragraph 9
by ensuring that an increasing number of services are capable of being
delivered electronically in the next few years. In terms of
implementation, the key elements are as follows:
A route map and a set of strategic enablers will be
provided by the corporate government IT strategy, together with the
frameworks for data standards, digital signatures, call centres,
smartcards, digital TV, web sites, government gateways and privacy,
envisaged in this White Paper.
Information age government services and other processes are likely to develop increasingly around clusters of related government functions
aligned to the needs of citizens and businesses. As part of this, more
services will become available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
This will be given impetus by stronger central co-ordination,
to ensure that best practice and consistent standards are applied
across government, that all the government bodies with an interest in a
particular set of services come together to talk to potential partners,
and that they promote compatibility across IT systems and data sets.
Progress against targets will be regularly monitored and reported.
At the same time, it is important that targets should not be viewed
narrowly or purely incrementally. It will be necessary to plan further
ahead to make the most of the opportunities for working across
boundaries, partnership and service integration.
Close consultation and benchmarking will
continue with international, private sector and other colleagues. It is
essential that the strategy should be implemented in ways which take
full account of the changing environment and enable government to learn
continuously from best practice elsewhere.
Market research and user feedback will improve the design
and organisation of services and other processes, and focus them more
firmly on citizens and businesses.
We welcome your comments on this site.
Prepared 30 March 1999 |