Mike Hart | Feedback on Assignments |
This practice works for a more discursive subject and might not work for other (e.g. statistical) subjects
Set an assignment early for about Week 5 or 6 (also avoids congestion at the end of term)
Promise a turn-around in either one week or two
indicate to students that the mark is provisional and assignments will not be returned until after the 'quality control' process
devote the whole of a teaching session (or more!) giving each student 10 minutes of 'quality time'
this ensures that they understand your comments and recognise the strong and weak points in their assignment
photocopy top, middle, bottom of sample for 'quality control' purposes (to put in the module box)
This also has the following consequences-
vacations get 'liberated' if marking can be squeezed into the term-time
end of module evaluation forms tend to show appreciation
David Rush | One minute feedback |
Devote one minute at the end of each teaching session to determine
What they gave learnt in the class
Points that they have found difficult or do not fully understand
Mike Hart | Electronic coversheets |
I have been experimenting with electronic coversheets, submitted by students to public space provided by Yahoo Briefcase. For full details, read the 'Brief' document on the website http://covers.here.ws
The intention is that I fill in the coversheets electronically so that students can now read my comments (and I also have an easily accessible record of each one)
Mike Hart | Electronic module evaluation |
I have been investigating (with David Rush) ways of getting on-line module evaluation. These are my efforts so far:
Mid-semester: http://mid-semester.visit.ws
End of module: http://mod-eval.visit.ws/mod_ev1.html
Documentation can be read on: http://mod-eval.visit.ws/mod_docs.doc
Here is a link to a .pdf file which diagrams the processes involved: http://mod-eval.visit.ws/server.pdf