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Best Value Performance Indicator 157 (BVPI 157) is the nationally set target for delivering or supporting services by electronic means. It measures 'the number of types of interactions that are enabled for electronic delivery as a percentage of the types of interactions that are legally permissible for electronic delivery'.

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is responsible for setting this target and defining what it means in practice. However, official guidance is evolving and broad. As we were committed to deliver this target in full by March 2004, we needed to develop a more detailed framework. The following is a summary of the key points of our internal guidance, setting out in detail what we believe that this indicator means in practice.

Based on guidance to date, we believe that this indicator includes:

But that is does not cover:
It also includes certain procurement and employment related processes, including:
But excludes:
Barriers to enablement
We have treated all public facing processes as suitable for enablement unless there are clear reasons by they are not suitable. Reasons may include:
Although it may be technically and legally possible to enable a process it may not be useful to do so in practice. Operational reasons for not pursuing enablement may include:
Exceptions have been agreed on a case-by-case basis. However, for most transactions, the decision is not whether to, but how to enable. Some of the interactions will be enabled now, using the most interactive option available to us. Others will be enabled at a lower level. All suitable transactions will be made more accessible to our customers and we will aim to deliver the following, as a minimum:
Current BVPI 157 guidance describes 10 types of public interactions:

Providing Information
This includes:
It does not include:
We will provide:
Application for Services
This includes:
It does not include the following:
All suitable services should be represented on our website, with contact information provided as a minimum. However some services are not suitable for promotion via the website because of operational or other business issues. These are agreed on a case-by-case basis.

We will provide:
The level and type of enablement will depend on whether there is a need for a signature or a physical enclosure.

Collecting Revenue
This includes:
This does not include:
We will provide:
As County Councils do not collect revenue, we will provide links to district and borough Council Tax and Housing Revenue information.

This includes:
It does not include:
We will provide
Providing Benefits and Grants
This includes
It does not include:
We will provide
This includes:This does not include:All suitable licensing and regulation activity will be represented on our website, with contact information as a minimum.

We will provide:
The level and type of enablement will depend on whether there is a need for a signature or a physical enclosures. Some types of regulation require personal attendance (for example registrations of births, deaths or marriages).

This includes:It does not include
We will provide:

Booking Venues, Resources and Courses
This includes:It does not include:
We will provide
Access to Community, Professional or Business Networks
This includes:This does not include:
We will provide
Procurement is not a public facing activity, being concerned with the buying in of goods or services from a third party. Much of the procurement activity does not directly relate to the provision of services. However, this primarily back office activity has been included within the scope of BVPI 157.

This includes procurement of:It does not include:
To be covered by this BVPI the procurement transaction must include all of the following:
We will provide:

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