16 July |
Pre-conference welcome and registration |
17 July |
Registration and coffee |
10:00 Opening
Meeting: Welcome from the conference chair
Frank Bannister, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland |
10:15 |
Keynote address: George Allan, University of
Portsmouth, UK
The Legitimacy of Grounded Theory |
11:10 |
Conference splits into streams |
Stream A - Chair - |
Research Methods Mini Track
Chair: Martin Rich |
Critical Research Methods Mini Track
Chair: Carole Brooke |
11:15 |
Qualitative Interview
Hunter Gordon, The University of Lethbridge, Canada |
Research Methods, Philosophy
at Undergraduate Level: The Challenge of Engagement
Knox Karl, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University,
UK |
Critical Appreciative
Processes: Adding Value Through Paradox
Grant Suzanne, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand |
11:45 |
Synchronous Online Interviews
as a Data Collection Technique: Strengths and Weaknesses
Esteves Jose and Eduardo Fernandez Cantelli, Instituto de
Empresa Business School, Madrid, Spain with Lieda Amaral Souza,
Departamento de Administração da Receita Previdênciária, Brazil |
Embedding Reflective Practice
in Undergraduate Business and Management Dissertations
Rich Martin, Cass Business School, UK |
The Contribution of Empirical
Critical Information Systems Research
Brown Ann, Cass Business School, London, UK |
12:15 |
Using the Focus Group
Internview Method to Investigate the Bringing of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) to Rural Women in Southern Africa as a
way to Bridging the Digital Divide and Gender In-equalities
Khumalo Reinford, Graduate School of Business Leadership,
University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa and Rosemary Sibanda,
National University of Science and Technology (NUST), South Aftrica |
The Long March: A Novice
Researcher's Journey of Discovery Through the Research Methodological Maze
and Haze
Darroch Fiona and Mark Toleman, University of Southern
Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia |
Is Research That is Both
Causally Adequate and Adequate on the Level of Meaning Possible or
Necessary in Business Research? A Critical Analysis of Some Methodological
Coldwell David, University of KwaZulu-Natal/Open University, Milton
Keynes, UK |
12:45 |
Lunch |
Stream A - Chair - |
Teaching Research Methods Mini Track
Chair: Martin Rich |
Critical Research Methods Mini Track
Chair: Carole Brooke |
14:00 |
Someone to Watch Over Me:
Exploring Participant Observation as a Research Methodology
Montano Sarah, Birmingham University, UK |
Using Balanced Scorecard
Approach for Designing an Integrated Learning Environment for
Undergraduate Dissertations
Day Jacqui and Milena Bobeva, Institute of Business and Law,
Bournemouth University, UK |
Second Order Discourse:
Critically Informed Research
Bednar Peter and Christine Welch, University of Portsmouth,
UK |
14:30 |
Using Event Study Methodology
to Assess Financial Impact of Media Announcements on Companies
Hart Mike, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa |
Strategies for Teaching
Research Ethics in Business Management and Organisational Studies
Naimi Linda, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA |
Qualitative Research Methods
in Management and Social Sciences
Mendy, John, University of Lincoln, UK |
15:00 |
Northeastern Thai Culture
Values and Marketing
Brown Rudolph, University of Wolverhampton, UK and Ian Michael,
Zayed University, UAE |
Can we Measure Excellence in
Business Studies Education?
Hart Mike and David Rush, University of Winchester, UK |
Critical Methods
workshop/roundtable |
15:30 |
Refreshments |
Stream A - Chair - |
Stream B - Chair - |
Stream C - Chair |
16:00 |
e-Collaboration and Audit
Shea Vincent and Kevin Dow, Kent State University, Ohio, USA |
Theory-Building in ICT
Evaluation through Comparative Case Study Analysis
Remenyi Dan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland |
Sponsorship Evaluation
O'Reilly Norman, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada and Judith
Madill, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada |
16:30 |
On Readability and Accuracy:
The Necessity of Interpretivism in Historical Business Research
Wooliscroft Ben, Marketing Dept. University of Otago, Dunedin, New
Zealand |
Theory Testing in Case Studies
Sørensen Pernille Dissing, Department of Marketing and Management,
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark and Ann-Kristina Løkke ,
Department of Marketing and Statistics, Aarhus School of Business, Denmark |
The Application of Cross
Product Deviation Analysis (CPDA) to Small Samples of Multivariate Data to
Facilitate the use of Factor Analysis
Byrne Gabriel, Frank Bradley and Carlos Sousa,
Smurfit Business School UCD, Ireland |
17:00 |
Socratic Dialogue
Facilitated by:
Dr Dan
Remenyi, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland |
18:30 |
Close of conference day |
19:00 |
Conference dinner in the Great Hall Trinity College |
Tuesday 18 July
Stream A - Chair - |
Grounded Research Methods Mini Track
Chair: David Douglas
Gender Research Methods Mini Track
Co-Chairs: Sandy Macdonald and Deborah Dean |
9:30 |
Supporting the Transition From
a Book to a Fully Customisable Web Application: A Research Design Approach
Polding Robert, Miguel Nunes and Bernard Kingston,
University of Sheffield, UK |
Grounding the Dynamics of
Management Research Supervision
Douglas David, Staffordshire University Business School,
Stoke-on-Trent, UK |
Composition of Teams and
Computer-based Tasks: Effects of Gender
Stokes Charlene, Wright Patterson Air Force Base (AFRL/HEAL)/Wright
State University Fairborn, OH, USA with Anupama Narayan and Debra
Steel Johnson, Wright State University Fairborn, OH, USA |
10:00 |
Combining Research Methods:
Netnography and Depth Interviewing
Simpson Lisa, Department of Marketing, University of Otago,
Dunedin, New Zealand |
On the Ground with Grounded
Theory: A Reflection From a Study of Dutch Firms’ Operations in Thailand
as a Distinct Platform of Cross-cultural Knowledge Dynamics
Kwanjai Nantawan Noi and J Friso den Hertog, University of
Maastricht, The Netherlands |
Gender Differences in
Perceived Person-Environment fit Among Pakistani Managers
Anwer Afsheen, University of Karachi, Pakistan |
10:30 |
Research Method for
Investigating Cross-Cultural Linkages Between Leadership and
Organizational Learning
Lakhani Murtuza Ali, Intel Corporation/University of Phoenix,
Roseville, AZ, USA |
Combining Grounded Theory and
Ethnography for Cultural Comparative Research of Global Strategic IS
Management in the Multinational Investment Banks
Matsumoto Hideyuki, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK |
Learning From Longitudinal
Research Into Women’s Experience of Business Ownership
Knowles Deborah, Westminster Business School, University of
Westminster, UK |
11:00 |
Refreshments |
Stream A - Chair - |
Stream B - Chair - |
Stream C - Chair |
11:30 |
Transforming the 'Smart
Heart': Towards an Interpretive Framework for Emotional Intelligence
Ruane Sinead, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA |
An Inductive Triangulation
Approach as a Vehicle to Investigate the Use of Knowledge Management to
Support Innovation in UK Energy Sector SMEs
Bashir Irfan, Miguel Nunes and Nigel Russell,
University of Sheffield, UK |
In Defence of Content Analysis
Nikolychuk Lynne, Kings College London, UK and Pamela Abbott,
University College Dublin, Ireland |
12:00 |
Exploring Issues for Measuring
Congruity Between Group Consensus and Personally Held Values
Adamson Ivana, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE |
An Action Research Case Study
– The Process of e-Commerce Adoption in an Irish SME
Kirwan Orla and Kieran Conboy, National University of
Ireland, Galway, Ireland |
Educating Lisa, Bart and Marge
Simpson: Methodology, Relativism and Hope
Van Peursem, Karen, University of Waikato, New Zealand |
12:30 |
Narrating the Experience of
Middle Management in the Implementation of Change Initiatives – A
Methodological Perspective
Keating Mary and Denis Harrington, Waterford Institute of
Technology, Ireland |
A Philosophical Hermeneutics
Approach for Understanding Community Dialogue on Environmentatl Problems:
A Case Study of Lake Taupo
Arunachalam Murugesh, The University of Waikato, New Zealand |
Transfering Measurement
Paradigms Between Disciplines - Rasch Modelling as an Alternative to
Classical Test Theory
Ganglmair-Wooliscroft Alexandra, Department of Marketing,
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Panel -
Panel title, Chair and panellists to be confirmed |
14:50 |
Conference splits into streams |
Stream A - Chair - |
Stream B - Chair - |
Stream C - Chair - |
15:00 |
Obstacles to the Modelling of
the Causes of Project Success and Failure
Hughes Robert, Abdul Al-Shehab and Graham Winstanley,
University of Brighton, UK |
Using Congent Analysis to
Investigate the Growth of Dubai as a Tourism Destination
Michael Ian, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE |
Using Ethnographic Research to
Investigate the Development Process of a University's Information Strategy
Bentley Yongmei, University of Luton and Steve Clarke,
University of Hull, UK |
15:30 |
How PAR Helps Us Reveal the
Local Delivery of a National ‘Brand’
Woodhouse Donna, Sheffield Hallam University, UK |
Case Selection for Comparative
Case-Study Research on Networked Structures: The Example of Tourism
Ermen David, Juergen Gnoth, Phil Harris and Lisa
Simpson, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand |
The Development of Quality
Management Tools in Business Studies Education
Rush, David, and Mike Hart, University of Winchester, UK |
16:00 |
Close of Conference |